Pitch your work to leading publishers and agents at GenreCon 2023.

GenreCon 2023: Forbidden Doors is proud to provide our writers with the opportunity to pitch their work to leading Australian publishers and agents. Pitch appllications are open exclusively to full ticketholders. Applications will open 7 December 2022.

Check out a selection of our 2023 partners - and the work they’re most interested in seeing - below!

Looking for books with heart-in-your-mouth plots & unforgettable characters; children’s books including mystery, fantasy, action, historical fiction, humour, contemporary fiction & all the sub-genres in between.

Particularly partial to anything featuring magic and/or spaceships.

Looking for women-centred crime and thriller, contemporary romance, historical romance, rural romance, rom-com.

Riveted Press

Looking for middle-grade and lower YA novels in the genres of history, mystery/thriller, science fiction, and fantasy. Welcoming the opportunity to see both chapter novel and graphic novel manuscripts. Not currently seeking romance or horror.

Seeking children's (all ages) and YA fiction.

Open to pitches of fantasy and sci-fi for adults, as well as YA, and kids.

Open to mystery, thriller, and suspense both literary and high-concept; books with great twists; literary fiction, particularly millennial. Historical and romance fiction that is smart and heartfelt, erring on the commercial side. Thriller, horror and accessible speculative. Books that engage with ideas like the female experience, capitalism, technology and our current moment.

P.S. Literary Agency

Broadly acquires adult fiction, non-fiction, and young readers’ graphic novels.

Particularly looking for biographies of notable Australians, Australian non-fiction, and quality fiction - particularly inspired by true notable events. Not accepting poetry, short story collections, horror or erotica.

Mostly interested in novels but also novellas in pretty much all genres.

Book your General Admission.

You must have your ticket by 12 January to be able to book a pitch session.